Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Responded to an author friend's inquiry about her books. I have published two of her books and she has two others she is trying to bring back into print and there was some misunderstanding about it. So I cleared the air and let her know what she had to do.

I am bringing out a new poetry book this month. I recently finished writing this one. Spent some time today going over it. Counted the amount of poems included, made sure the poems for specific people were where I wanted them to be, and made some final revisions/edits on all poems. Also wrote another poem for this book. Contacted the person who edits these books about her schedule and she said to go ahead and send it so I did. Also contacted the cover designer for this particular book to ask about her schedule, as well. Will get final page specs to her when I have them. We already went over the cover image for this one in the past so that's not an issue and she has the book's title in the email subject line. So now I wait!

Something interesting happened tonight: Years ago, I was communicating with a journalist who was covering haunted places in England. He had a bunch of pictures. He heard about my haunted houses book, when it was a work-in-progress, and asked me if I wanted to include his photos in the book. I said, Sure! I'd love to! He emailed me a CD of pics but when I opened the disc, I was dismayed to learn that his pictures were not there. The CD was blank! I figured it was all erased when the CD went through a scanner at a post office. Unfortunately, I could not include his pictures in the book. Fast forward to present day. Martha Jette and I have spent some time working on a brand new edition of this book that has since gone out of print. Well, we are bringing it back, and it will be bigger and better than ever! I was going through some old CDs this evening and I came across the CD from the journalist. I thought 'Why not?' and popped it into the CD-ROM. BOOM! There were the pictures! Oh my gosh, they were ALL THERE! HOW AWESOME! I am going to contact this journalist and ask him if I can still use his pictures, because I want to put them into the NEW edition of the haunted houses book! Yay!

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